Friday, January 30, 2009

Catch Phrase

So here is a little list of Australian linguistic nuances that I found entertaining:

Rocked up - To walk up to a counter or line for help
This chick rocked up and expected me to put my pants on before I helped her.

Pissed - A state of drunkeness
Mate, I got so pissed last night, that I went home with a Koala.

Ta - An expression of thanks (though extremely feminine)
Here is your chicken sandwich. (other guy:) Ta!

Gridiron - American football
Did you watch the Gridiron last night? The St. Louis Vikings are some athletic blokes!

Ripper - Great
That Dawson's Creek is such a ripper!

Chuck a massive wobbly - To throw a fit **Personal Favorite**
I was about to chuck a massive wobbly, but then I realized that my shoes were OUTSIDE!

Other fun facts...

Chicken is the flavor of chips that is most popular. This just tastes like ramen noodles chicken flavoring...yummmmmm

They pronounce Nike like Mike with an "N" and Adidas like "add did as"...even in commercials.

All Australians smell like bacon. There's no reason really, it's just nature.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Chuck a massive wobbly, that is classic. Can you please post a video of an Australian saying this? That is great. I think I'll use it.