Last night in Auckland with Mark, Ella and Tomo...
Bubbling mud in Rotorua...
Huka Falls and Taupo...
The beautiful port city that is Wellington, the southernmost capital in the world...
Saturday I will be arriving in Seddon to start work on Tuesday. I changed my travel date for the bus there at the hostel in Wellington. This was the interaction:
Me: I would like to change my travel date for a bus ride
Agent: Ok, what was the Reference Number?
Me: 2039201391
Agent: That's Picton to...Seddon? Where the hell is Seddon? Is that right?
Me: Umm...yes
Agent: I have never even heard of that town
Me: Ok, ok, just shutup and change the ticket
So, Seddon is a little remote. I can make due. I will be working there for about a week (I know, poor me!), and then traveling the South Island for the 10 days after that. So keep following along and I will keep getting myself in and out of trouble.
1 comment:
I give it one day on the vineyard before you banana split. Fleagle
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