The Auckland city skyline on a commonly overcast day...
Wait a second...there's a Wollongong campus in Auckland?? On a sidenote, here is an excerpt from an email I wrote to the head of Campus East (the dorms I stayed at in Australia 5 years ago) in regards to presenting to the students there to get free accomodation...
"My colleague Mark Williams and I, who met while at Campus East, have spoken with hundreds of students about the benefit of studying abroad and its' positive impact on an American student's career path...We would like to visit Campus East, for nostalgic as well as educational purposes. I wanted to express our interest in speaking with the students at Campus East in regards to getting the most out of their studying abroad experience and how to use that post graduation to enhance their careers." - ok ok, so I might be embellishing our credentials a little's worth a shot!
The first picture was not so good. This is the second, and i've just told Mark to look like he's alive. He might be overcompensating a bit. And Will could care less what is going on.
The next three are me on a yacht...I'm so mom-friendly...
I think this is art-noveau...or maybe art deco? Or I am just a big dork. You choose.
One of the main reasons I am here is so someone can carry Mark home after a long night of screeching and bootydancing. I was born to do this.
Did you and John design a maze and transfer it over to the shirt you are wearing in the last pic?
Leggo my eggo
love the blog darlin' keep it up! your writing cracks me up. mark at subway? effing cool art noveau playground photo btw. be careful, keep each other alive! i am frightened by this mark mike combo a bit. marike...marchael..m & m.
Quick "back home" update...
It's getting colder outside, and I made a sandwich for dinner tonight.
Doesn't that make you homesick?
Ps just because you left the country doesn't mean we stopped splitting profits on those shirts!!
when did you get a yacht? i'm impressed!
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