Ok, so if you don't know, I am going to New Zealand for a few months, then Australia for a few more...then who knows? It is yet to be determined where exactly...but planning gives me a headache. I am meeting up with my friend Mark, who has been in New Zealand for a few months and is borderline insane...he's well known for making extremely crazy faces/sounds/mannerisms (see below, on the bottom).

Anyways...I'll be arriving in Auckland on October 2nd, and I'll try to get a job as soon as I can...or at least when I look at my bank account and crap myself. I have already secured a job at the Australian Open in Melbourne for the month of January, so I have that to look forward to. I will be Radek Stepanek's mentor and shower aide (not sure what that will mean yet), but we will see...
So this will be my blog for my trip, where I will post the most important and random events over the next (??) months. Comment if you feel the need, it will always be nice to hear from people back home, even if it is a rude and belittling note. And if you're contemplating a trip yourself, you are always welcome to come visit...those who are daring enough.
Ok, I'm going to go now...